Saturday, December 24, 2016

DOEs are massively important individuals of P-Ville as they prepare the DODs State of the Kingdom Report (aka DOE Reports). These are to be conducted every 2 to 3 weeks. It is a huge indicator on the economic well-being of a given Period or lack of economic health of a Period. To guarantee a proper report that avoids corruption. The DOEs are paid well for each report. The DOEs can earn up to 40 pts per report 1st Semester (100 pts per report 2nd Semester), if properly, effectively and completely carried out. DOEs are overseers of the financial sheets of their period and should be probing for corrupt or illegal tallying of Karma Pts on P-Villian Finance Sheets. 

DOE REPORTS 2023 - 2024 (Haffty Revision)

DOE REPORTS 2021-2022

DARK AGES (Pandemic)

DOE REPORTS 2019-2020

DOE REPORTS 2018-2019

DOE Report Full Year Template (Ponce De Leon Edition 2018-2019)


The 2017 - 2018 DOE Reports can be found here
The 2016 - 2017 DOE Reports can be found here
The 2018 - 2019 DOE Reports can be found here (Ponce De Leon Edition)

DOE Report Sample 
DOE Template (type all answers and copy and paste backward to make answers pop up 1 at a time)

King P would like to see P-Ville Citizens continually developing all of P-Ville including the ECONOMICS. P-Ville is for you, the people, to develop and evolve. As King P says, "Vive le evolution!"